Saturday, April 30, 2016

Re-Thinking Change in Ed-Tech

Re-Thinking Change in Ed-Tech

These days, just about anything you say about the pace of change in educational technology is cliche'. We all know it is fast and we realize that just about the time we understand something, the next new thing swoops in and takes its place.  As educational leaders, we need to understand the change process, but what if the change process we understand is flawed when it comes to dealing with guiding a change process that is so rapid.  Is there a way to get off this merry-go-round and focus on ed-tech change in a whole new way?  I think the answer to this is yes. 

John Kotter identifies 8 steps to leading the process in it is:

As a change, I propose eliminating steps 1, 4 and 8.  

  • We know that there is urgency, we don't need to create it.  We may need to ignore the people who don't get it.

  • Buy-in for educational technology comes in the USE of the tool or the application of it...not through conversation.

  • We SHOULD NOT want to make it stick...We want the change to take on a life of its own and inspire the use of technology for students to become creative thinkers and producers. 

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